IT-SPGP Portal

Welcome to the IT-SPGP Portal. This portal is your secure gateway to accessing the public PGP keys for various departments within Castle Tech GmbH. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption is a trusted method for securing communication by ensuring that sensitive information is transmitted safely and is only accessible to the intended recipient.

If you are a government agency or a similar entity that requires PGP encrypted communication, this portal provides you with the necessary tools to safeguard your correspondence with our organization. Please download the appropriate public PGP key based on the recipient's name and email address listed below.

Name Comment E-Mail Created Download
Legal Department- Castle Tech GmbH (A1334087) Legal - Castle Tech GmbH (Castle Tech GmbH - Legal Department - 2024-08-12 Download
SPGP Portal - Castle Tech GmbH (26F0C8F2) SPGP Portal - Castle Tech GmbH (SPGP Portal - Castle Tech GmbH) 2024-08-23 Download